Remember No Doubt? From 2002? What if I told you that there is a brand-new band that creates the same extra-experimental, etheral and fantastically complex and intricute songs that they do? The Marias have been investigated by me... Take a read!

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Hi! I'm Gruffalo, named that after my husband's nickname for me! (a hairy bearded bear, of course!) I'm 19, I love media. UK Radio or television, It's my type of thing to nerd and chat about, which you will be able to read all about over on my articles section, click above!

I REALLY love 2010's pop culture! Growing up in the 2010s, I witnessed the magic of traditional media at its peak—when 20 million of us would tune in together, united by the same shows. There was something truly special about the unique, creative flair of that era, a stark contrast to today’s overly slick and formulaic content. Oh, and if you’re a fan of retro gaming like the PS2 or Wii U, we’ll get along just fine. I’m a bubbly, goofy, yet serious and confident media nerd, and I’m here to share all the reasons why you should love what I love!

I hope you enjoy my articles and such, bookmark this page and come back whenever you want! I would be happy to see you back around again :D

Check the links at the top of the page! Have a good day!